County Route 9 Gets Repaved

In response to updated Federal guidelines, Columbia County has had a program gradually upgrading county routes for several years. The segment of County 9 from East Chatham (NY Route 295) to Route 24 (Red Rock) is now undergoing such a refurbishment.

Paved shoulders have already been added to the roadway as a base. An edge-to-edge layer of new asphalt pavement will be added to the whole stretch of highway within the next month or so. Previous lanes were 8½-feet in width; the new lanes will be striped for the 9-foot width called for in the guidelines.

As a completely separate project—related to the opening of the Flying Deer Nature Center—the intersection of Daley Road with County Route 9 is being reconfigured for safety, and the portion of Daley Road from County 9 to the camp is being smoothed and paved.